The brothers John and Paul Healy, collectively known throughout the world as Somatic Responses, are still native residents of a small industrial mining community snugly located in the southwest region of Wales. Somatic Responses are into complex dislocated & broken beats, distorted intelligent constructions, fascinating sonic structures, force and sweetness intertwined.
Unlike the break-heavy, jungle sounds of their contemporaries, Somatic Responses have remained more experimental, sounding closer to the acid-laced Braindance outcrop of artists such as Autechre and Aphex Twin.
Somatics have created an extensive discography over the years on legendary imprints such as Hymen, Ad Noiseam and Acroplane, but in 2010 the boys created their own label, Photon Emissions, which in 2014 alone saw them release 5 full length albums of Somatic Responses material. You can find all those releases on their Bandcamp page.