S.Murk, a new jungle project on Varispeed
Our latest signing is Bristol’s S.Murk, the bastard lovechild of Kursa and Tapeworm. Their brand of mutated jungle is about to shake up the UK DnB scene big time. Only a few months into the project they already have a tune signed to a major DnB label (details coming very soon on that), with more EP’s on the way for Slugwife, Colony Productions and Grey Meta, to name a few.
You can check out their full profile page HERE ,which also includes a link to the tune, GFU, which they’re currently giving away for free.
S.Murk just had their debut performance as part of the recent Jungle Syndicate live stream. You can watch the full video below. Their debut “in the flesh” performance will be at the upcoming Varispeed event, The Big Fuck Off Rave, which is happening on 3rd July 2021 at Basement 45, Bristol.