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Monster X – Democracy EP – OUT NOW

Following on from his Hunter EP (2015 via Murder Channel Records), Monster X is back with another sonic anvil to the face, Democracy, upon which his beats, acid and discordant atmospheres are melted down and beaten back into shape with new form and function. Its arrangement and compositional style is reminiscent of Richard Devine and Autechre, with the pace and flow of each piece sounding very organic, despite the mechanical origins of its sound design.

However, the similarities stop there. Democracy is not a joyful record, at least not in the classic sense. It is dark, eerie, foreboding and downright sinister in parts. Monster X has managed to sonically convey our collective anger, despair, confusion and sadness as we watch psychopaths from afar waging brutal war on humanity.

The production levels are through the roof, as you’d expect from Monster X. Democracy is undoubtedly going to sound great at home or through a huge rig. At home you’ll get all the acidic detail and on the rig the weight of his drums are going to knock you around so much that you won’t know which way is up.

In addition to the 5 original tracks, Democracy also includes a further 4 remixes from Balkansky, c0ma, My Gloomy Machine and Scald.

You can download Democracy for free (or donate) directly from Abstrakt Reflections HERE and listen to it in full below.

Monster X is keen to play this release and whole lot of other new material live so get in touch asap to book this monster!!!